Quickstart for Individuals and Families

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Please note, that Genea was not designed for creating single family tree. Although it was designed for large amounts of data, it is also possible, but a bit fiddly, to create single family trees.

1. Possibility

The first possibility is to enter the known persons in order, starting by the oldest. This allows you to set the parent-child-relationships while entering the data. The dialog for entering the data stays open after saving your information - ready to enter the next person.

After entering all your people, you can create your family tree.

2. Possibility

The other possibility is to enter the first person (probably you) and create a family tree which will contain only this person. You can now subsequently add other people (father, mother, children, partner) to the family tree. You will be asked to select a person but since you haven't entered them, you need to add them using the New Person-button. (This may sound fiddly but is an result from the intentionally different approach of Genea).

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